Lauren Garrett

Lauren was born and raised in Michigan where she ran track and cross country, sailed the Great Lakes, and was the drum major of her high school marching band. Lauren graduated from the University of Michigan with a degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering.

In 2002, a position at Derecktor Shipyard brought Lauren to Connecticut. Lauren loved the natural beauty and diversity of Hamden and decided to stay here and raise a family. She now works in the family real estate business managing the finances but has been known to roll up her sleeves for renovation projects.

Lauren is raising 3 children who attend Hamden Public Schools. With one in elementary, middle, and high school, Lauren has a direct line into our schools. Lauren has been volunteering in our schools since her first child started preschool at Alice Peck in 2008. Lauren and her family care deeply about the environment and so they have installed solar panels on their home, changed their heat to an electric heat pump, and drive electric cars to nearly eliminate their carbon footprint.

Lauren first became interested in helping on political campaigns in the 2006 senate primary. She has been volunteering on national, state, and municipal campaigns every year since. In 2016 Lauren was appointed to the Inland Wetlands Commission and in 2017 won a seat on the Legislative Council serving At-Large. Currently, Lauren is the chair of the Democratic Town Committee’s Issues Committee where she led a team of democrats to publish the HDTC’s first ever municipal platform.

Lauren knew that Hamden’s financial problems were going to be a challenge, but was surprised to discover the lack of transparency, obfuscation of the problems, and lack of long-term planning. Lauren has spent the last several years talking with experts and town officials to develop the skills to take on the problems we face. Knowing that Hamden cannot continue down this path, motivated Lauren to run for Mayor and get to work.